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1) 700ml coconut milk (from 1 and half coconut)

2) 175g rice flour

3) 1 teaspoon salt

4) Oil for deep frying

5) 300g groundnuts (clean and drained)

Dry-fried & ground

1) 3 tablespoons cummin

2) 3 tablespoons coriander





  1. Combine the first five ingredients till smooth

  2. Heat the oil in a wok. Immerse the rempeyek mould to heat it.

  3. Lift the mould, then spoon some batter into it. Sprinkle 8-9 groundnuts.

  4. Dip the mould into the wok. The rempeyek should separate easily from the mould. Fry till golden brown. Remove from heat and drain well.

If a rempeyek mould is unavailable, use a flat frying pan and a wok. Heat a little oil in the flat pan. Ladle some batter and drop the groundnuts into it. Then pour batter into the pan. Let it cook for 2-3 minutes before transferring into the hot oil in a wok for deep frying

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